The Army of Youth School of Entrepreneurial Evangelism: 
Enabling God's People To Grow Their Ministry and Talents Through Training Programs
Learn How to Work for God and Support Yourself Doing It!
The Army of Youth School of Entrepreneurial Evangelism
 gives you the training you need on your path of unlimited growth and potential in Christ.
We’ve made this super easy for YOU to accelerate your ministry and talent growth with step-by-step, practical training AND…

You’ll get access to courses, worksheets, templates, and action guides for all things evangelism, leadership, Bible study, and personal development. 

You'll be able to learn what took others years to learn in a fraction of the time, and without all the headache of making the same mistakes. 

Total Value: More Than A College Education!

Look at Everything You Get!

Overcome Satanic Shyness
An online course to help you overcome the satanic shyness that paralyzes people from sharing with others what God has shared with them!
Lesson 1: Is Shyness Christ-like or Satanic?
Lesson 2: Free Yourself From Fear Forever
Lesson 3: Become Courageous For Christ
Lesson 4: Become Bold For Jesus
Lesson 5: Develop Unstoppable Christian Confidence
Communication Challenge
Do you find it difficult to communicate with others but know how important it is to cultivate this skill? We put together a list of hand-picked videos on communication that are hard to find anywhere else on the web. We spent the time putting together a curated list of only the most life changing videos on communication for you to cultivate your talent of communicate in your Entrepreneurial Evangelism endeavor.
Direction From God Course
The real deal on what it takes to understand the will of God—made plain, simple, and actionable. Enoch Leffingwell draw’s from his own extraordinary journey and all he has collected from interviewing the most successful evangelists, preachers, and Bible teachers of our time, then distills it into the core fundamental principles every Bible student needs to know, practice, and master. Enoch outlines the foundational operating system to achieve significant success and delivers a complete action plan that anyone can start executing immediately.
Reclaim Your Devotions
Develop and maintain consistent daily devotions while living in a distracted world. After traveling across the country speaking at churches, schools, and a large variety of other audiences over the past 8 years, Enoch has been able to ask numerous people what is the number one challenge they are facing in maintaining consistent daily devotions. This program was put together to solve the most common problems and challenges people were facing.
Take Note Masterclass
We often hear it's important to take notes when we study the Bible but when was the last time we actually took a class teaching us how to take notes effectively? If you're tired of taking notes you never look at again or when you do you can even understand 
Redeem the Time Masterclass
Have you ever struggled to find time to study the Bible amidst all the distractions in the world today? This masterclass will show you how to find more time in God's while getting more done then you ever thought possible!
Determining the Will of God
Do you want to understand what is God's will for your life? Have you ever been faced with a decision and wished that God's voice could speak to you so you could clearly understand His unique plan for your life? After going through this training you'll be able to hear God's voice in a way that you've never experienced before. During this time of great uncertainty and perplexity you can start finding clarity from God today.
Identify Your Life's Definite Aim
An aimless life is a living death. (Ephesians 2:1) Are you wanting to have greater clarity regarding your life's definite aim? Imagine when you wake up fulfilled and excited to get to work living out the life you know you were called to live. We put this training together to help you get crystal clear on your life's definite aim so you can Live Your Calling.
Biblical Goal Setting
In this course we go over how you can effectively set Goals based on The Word of God which is our ROCK. This will help you plan out goals and complete them without having to sweep them under the rug with shame or miss out on AMAZING opportunities. Remember..."A house built on sand shall not stand, but the House built on the ROCK, will last until the end..." So, why not learn how to set goals Biblically and feel TRUE accomplishment in your life?
Team Leader Bootcamp
There’s going to come a time in your organization...and it could be now...where you’ll need to involve others and get outside help. 
It’s the ONLY way you’ll be able to grow, scale, and expand. If you’re a one-man show, you already know that going it alone is a hard road. 
It’s time to stop playing small. This training will show you how to invest in talented people the right way, so that you're able to get more done with less effort. 
When you know how to outsource your weaknesses to those who are experts at what they do, you get to spend your time on the things in your organization that you LOVE and are great at. 
Isn’t it time to stop doing it all yourself? This Team Leader Bootcamp will give you everything you need to start forming a thriving and productive team today!
Spiritual Gifts Discovery Workshop
Have you every wondered what your unique spiritual gifts are? This training was put together to help every young Christian identify their unique gifts and learn how to dedicate them to the Lord's service. 
Time Management Training
Do you end the day off, every day, wishing for just ONE extra hour? Are you feeling like you are wasting so much time on mind-numbing tasks? 
You look for a way to fix it, but even that involves you scouring Youtube for hours (which is time you DON'T have) and reading dozens and dozens of articles, pdfs, and books!! 
Yet still the end of all of this, all you end up with MORE TIME WASTED, more frustration, and on top of all of that.... feeling like you are right back where you began; confused and ending another day with tasks undone and wishing for just ONE EXTRA HOUR?!
If that describes YOU, then this is just the course for you! Why? We have done all the research for you to save YOUR time so ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS RECLAIM IT!!
Slide Design Training
Learn advanced graphic design principles to share stunning slide presentations that not only captivate your audience's attention but also fastens your message into their memories. Learn how to create unforgettable slide presentations that keep your message before the people.
And There Is More Coming Soon! 
Full-Time Music Ministry
Do you love playing music? Do you enjoy using singing? Do you want to be playing or singing music full-time? We are partnering with Christian Musicians and singers whose full-time ministry is to sing music for the Lord. This is a step-by-step training showing you exactly what it'll take for you to take your calling in music and turn it into a career without any prior experience or knowledge of the music ministry field. 
Yeah... there's more coming soon. 
Get all this when you SIGN UP TODAY!
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